Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dying & Choosing to Stay at Home?

  1. Distribute a list of essential numbers to those who can get the word out if you need help.
  2. Get to know your neighbors.
  3. Ask for help & schedule your friends (and neighbors) in a rotation of support duties.
  4. Make children a part of your life. Feeling young is a jolt in the arm.
  5. Get your paperwork in order - Keep your will, advance directive, power of attorney documentation and financial details close at hand.
Taken from Chatelaine, April 2007. The article was entitled "Lessons from Adele" and authored by Cynthia Brouse. It outlines how one woman who was unmarried, childless and living alone managed to rally a social support network that enabled her to stay at home until her death from lung cancer. Very useful advice and a heartwarming, true story. To enlarge, tap the "full" button underneath the article.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judy:

    You are so far ahead of me on the technology side! It took awhile to figure out how to leave a comment. Finally remembered my twitter account (had to reset the password - via hotmail) so I could "follow" you - that didn't work (but your blog is now on my twitter account - oh what a tangled web...). Let's see what happens. Your commnets are really thoughtful. Too much to read just now (skimmed only). Didn't know what profile to select - none seemed to match - had to choose one anyway. Good luck with your wonderful journey. janet
