Saturday, February 27, 2010

Musical Massage

Vibroacoustic harp therapy is a form of complimentary medicine in which the vibrations from harp music are used to promote positive physiological changes in the body. The healing benefits are numerous, including a reduction in pain, anxiety and stress. The harp is a distinctive instrument for therapy in that the full pitch range of the harp can vibrate the entire body. The tonal vibrations of the harp pulsate and can reach the cellular level, helping to restore physical, spiritual and emotional harmony. Experiencing the sound and vibrations of therapeutic harp music induces calm & relaxation. In the palliative world, in addition to providing adjunct symptom management, it can be a gentle way to ease end-of-life transition. In 2007, CBC Radio One producer Frank Faulk explored harp therapy, including a visit to the first hospital program in North America, offered by Ian Hepburn in Hawkesbury, Ontario. The podcast is available on the Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy website.

1 comment:

  1. Photo available through a creative commons license at Flickr, courtesy of K. Sawyer.
