Saturday, February 27, 2010

Musical Massage

Vibroacoustic harp therapy is a form of complimentary medicine in which the vibrations from harp music are used to promote positive physiological changes in the body. The healing benefits are numerous, including a reduction in pain, anxiety and stress. The harp is a distinctive instrument for therapy in that the full pitch range of the harp can vibrate the entire body. The tonal vibrations of the harp pulsate and can reach the cellular level, helping to restore physical, spiritual and emotional harmony. Experiencing the sound and vibrations of therapeutic harp music induces calm & relaxation. In the palliative world, in addition to providing adjunct symptom management, it can be a gentle way to ease end-of-life transition. In 2007, CBC Radio One producer Frank Faulk explored harp therapy, including a visit to the first hospital program in North America, offered by Ian Hepburn in Hawkesbury, Ontario. The podcast is available on the Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy website.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Web 2.0 Advice

I discovered a wonderfully helpful website today called "Technology Training Wheels". The site uses a wiki format to provide information & advice for using Web 2.0 technologies. The content is prepared by librarians and accessible to all levels of Internet user. Here is the link to Blogging. The right side panel lists the links to other topics.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Wisdom of Experience

My most recent teacher trained in the early days of Palliative Medicine with Dame Cicely Saunders and Dr. Balfour Mount. His stories were fascinating, often humorous; each new gem told with his characteristic humility. He will cringe at being referred to as a 'founding father' and pivotal presence during the developmental stages of many programs, yet this is true and in more than one city. I felt empowered in his presence and relished the opportunities we had to share the care of patients. He offered his perspective on a question I have contemplated from time to time since beginning this fellowship, "What are the top three attributes of a capable Palliative Medicine physician?" Here is the essence of his answer: 
  1. Expertise in pain & symptom management because this establishes clinical competence & builds trust and confidence. Patients can not communicate effectively or deal with other issues if they are focused on their symptoms,
  2. Ability to establish a therapeutic relationship that is personally congruent and demonstrates empathy and unconditional positive regard for the patient; then, to maintain this rapport, explore fears & concerns, re-frame hope, promote reunion, reconciliation & resolution of unfinished business,
  3. Possess cognitive strategies and employ interventions that provide an affirming presence, educate and inform, while respecting the patient's right to choice & control.
There is soul here and the wisdom of experience speaking.

"Compassion is that mysterious capacity within each of us that makes it possible for suffering that is neither our own nor of our concern, to affect us as though it were."

Monday, February 15, 2010

Intention Setting

This vision board appears on the Abundance Tapestry blog in a posting entitled, "30 Power Words To Activate Intention Setting" I think it is beautiful. The post makes for interesting reading.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Poetry in Palliative Care

dusk, dimness, dawn, rebirth
warm, glowing, light
glinting, glaring, streaming, earth
declining, shadowing, night 

I am reading lately about reflection and 'narrative medicine', learning, amongst other things, that writing a poem can be a tool for self-discovery and healing.  The author of this book, David Richo, draws on Buddhist thought and Jungian perspectives to coach the reader toward greater self-understanding. Mentoring & practical assistance is available online as well at "writinglife".
To enlarge the article, click the "full" button on the toolbar underneath the text. 
To exit the article, hit the "esc" key on the computer keyboard.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Internet Tools to Know About

There are many internet resources available under the rubric Web 2.0. Searching, filtering, trialing and ultimately selecting useful tools is an arduous process and involves a serious time commitment, but a necessary one in order to create a blog site that offers useful/interesting information for readers. Every now and then, thanks to the generosity of others and in the spirit of participation (the focus of Web 2.0), content is created and uploaded for the purpose of viewing and sharing. In this case, a presentation on Internet tools/technology that offers suggestions for helpful resources in various categories. A place to start and a potential time-saver as work begins in earnest on my scholarly project.

And, another presentation with some ideas for writing good blog posts:

Lastly, this book is very helpful:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Kundalini Yoga ~ Farewell Blessing

Divinity, grace, compassion and kindness can be found in unexpected locations. This time on holiday in St. Lucia... a beautiful resort in an idyllic setting, offering opportunities to continue my exploration of the physiological and psychological benefits of meditation. On this particular morning, a kundalini yoga session (after Yogi Bhajan) taught by Niedra Gabriel with the traditional closing blessing, Long Time Sun.

May the long time sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way on

Sat Nam